Location per Doctor
Location Color
Select the color of the location to appear in the top right of the screen.
Location Details
- Location Name
- Address
- Location Abbreviation (two letters)
- This will appear in the top right of the screen
- Online booking for this location
- Allows patients to use the online booking portal for this location
- Directions
- you can use the following tags to format your text
<br> to break a line
<b>text_ here</b> to bold the text between the tags.
<small>text_ here</small> to make the text between the tags small.
<em>text_ here</em> to italicise the text between the tags.
- you can use the following tags to format your text
- Doctor at Location
- Timezone
Note: if you would like to allow patients to be able to search across all doctors and locations you must turn on Allow patient to search across all location and doctors in the Company Details
Google Maps URL
Visit your Google business profile and request the location URL.
Google Review URL
Visit your Google business profile and request the review URL.