Viewing signed quotes
To find signed quotes for a patient:
- navigate to the patient’s quotes
- quotes that have been signed will have a Signature link that will take you to a page showing the signed quote’s details
- quotes that have not been signed will have a Get signature button that can be clicked to sign the quote
On the appointments daysheet, a link to a patient’s signed quote will be shown if they have a signed quote.
Once viewing the page for the signed quote, you may do the following:
- download a PDF of the signed quote
- visit the original quote
- visit the original quote’s report, if it is associated with a report
- archive the signed quote
- send a confirmation reminder to the patient, if the quote was signed from a staff member’s account
- confirm a dispute by the patient, if the quote was signed from a staff member’s account
Depending on how the quote was signed, a signed quote may have one of the following statuses:
- Signed
- when a patient signs a quote from the patient portal
- Awaiting confirmation
- when a quote is signed from a staff member’s account
- Confirmed by patient
- when a quote is signed from a staff member’s account, and
- the patient has confirmed the signing from the patient portal
- Rejected by patient
- when a quote is signed from a staff member’s account, and
- a staff member has updated the signed quote to be ‘disputed’