Merging patient profiles

There may be scenarios where a single patient has had multiple profiles created for them for your organisation.

When it’s discovered that there are multiple profiles, data from one pofile can be moved to another.

For example, Jo Soap attends a number of appointments at your practice this year. They then return in 2 years time, and a staff member creates a new profile for them, not realising that Jo has an existing profile. New appointments and invoices are then created against Jo’s new profile.

To remedy this, either the new appointments and invoices can be moved to the original profile, or vice versa.

To merge Jo’s data from one profile with another:

  • log in as a staff member
  • get the patient IDs for each of their profiles
  • determine which profile is more applicable to move the data to
  • click Patients in the primary navigation at the top of the page
  • click Move / merge patient data
  • enter the patient ID that data will be moved from into the Merge from field
  • enter the patient ID that data will be moved to into the Merge to field
  • click Next
  • evaluate the patients, the notice, and the checkboxes on the next page
    • the profile where data is being moved from may optionally be archived. Please double-check the docs for how this affects logins for patients
  • click Move patient data

Moving data from one profile to another cannot be undone.

A new merge can be run, but all data will be moved between profiles, not only the newly added data

If the form is filled in correctly, the movement of data will start, and the staff member will receive an email when the process is complete.

If the patient’s profile was marked for archiving, it will be archived once the data has been moved to the other profile.

Note: Information on the receiving patient’s profile will not be affected. This includes information like names, birthdate, email addresses, and telephone numbers. Changes to the patient’s information on the receiving profile must be made manually.