Files can be uploaded against a patientās profile, and then referenced from other items, such as entries, treatment posts, and lab orders.
To view a patientās files:
- navigate to a patientās profile
- click on Files in the sidebar on the right of the page
Adding files
To add files to a patientās profile:
- navigate to the patientās files page
- click on either Upload a named file or Upload multiple files
- the named file form allows for only uploading a single file with a title
- the multiple files form allows for uploading multiple files, but without any titles
- file in the form
- click Save
Editing files
Once files have been uploaded, they can be edited as follows:
- navigate to the patientās files page
- find the relevant file
- click the dot menu on the right of the file, and then click Edit
- enter any information in the relevant fields in the form
- click Save
Archiving a file
A file may be archived if it is longer needed.
To archive a file:
- navigate to the patientās files page
- click the dot menu on the right the file, and then click Archive