Patient Self Check-in Portal

Allow patients to check themselves into their appointment. This take pressure off your reception team, allowing them to help patients with more meaningful queries.

WhatsApp One-Time-Pin (OTP)

Patients will receive a WhatsApp message on the morning of their appointment with a OTP that they can use to self check-in for their appointment


On your self-check-in portal device navigate to the Patient Portal

Make sure to limit the patient portal device’s permissions to make sure the device can not be used to browse other patient data.


Step 1: Click Self Check-In self_checkin_portal

Step 2: Type in OTP self_checkin

The system can navigate your patient to the right location in the practice based on the settings under WhatsApp Settings

When the patient has successfully checked-in the portal will return to the main check-in page ready for the next patient to self-check-in.